BVH to MEL skeleton conversion:

(added 10/12/01)

Perl script to convert BVH to a Maya MEL script to create the BVH skeleton in maya.

BVH to H-anim mocap conversion:

[Update: April 2003, Sandy's folks did it right -link- ]

(added 10/11/01)

Perl script to convert BVH to h-anim
Perl script to convert BVH to shout-friendly VRML

Eric1: java | vrml
Ericdog: java | vrml
Ericr1: java | vrml
Ericrun: java | vrml
Flip: java | vrml
Swagger: java | vrml

(The above files are available in many formats here.)

VRML files are gzipped and require a plugin.

The java files use Shout3d version one and require no plugin.
Hold the control key and left mouse drag to zoom.
Hold the shift key and left button drag to slide.
(May take MUCH longer to load shout in netscape than in IE.)

Conversion from BVH to Shout/Java on an ACCAD NT

Mocap marker data:

Translation from Vicon's ascii marker data format to VRML was done with this perl script (updated 6/23/03).

(And here's a little script for batch converting a directory of marker files in txt format.)

Range of motion: java | vrml
Walk: java | vrml
Walk slow: java | vrml
Walk fast: java | vrml
Walk wander: java | vrml
Run: java | vrml
Run slow: java | vrml
Run fast: java | vrml
Sit: java | vrml
Jump: java | vrml
Jump low: java | vrml
Jump high: java | vrml
Cartwheel: java | vrml
Dance: java | vrml

VRML files are gzipped and require a plugin.
Not all of the data has been "cleaned" yet. Bad data has been sent to the motion's bounding box center, just below the floor.

The java files use Shout3d version one and require no plugin.
Hold the control key and left mouse drag to zoom.
Some people find these files take MUCH longer to load in netscape than IE.

File Conversion Steps from an ACCAD NT

Conversion to java uses Shout3D_Wizard version 1.

Much thanks to Meg Geroch for data capture and cleaning, and to Peter Gerstmann for shout3d advice.

Wish List:

Page created 4/18/01
Last update 6/23/03