Autumn 2024

The Class search category for ACCAD courses is Adv Computing Cntr Arts& Design <number> or ACCAD <number>

ACCAD 3350: The History of Animation - 3 cr.
ACCAD 6650: The History of Animation - 3 cr. (GRAD)

Class #: 17124  (Undergrad
Class #: 17125 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Wed/Fri;  9:35 am - 10:55 am
Location: Wexner Center Film/Video Theater
Instructor: Dave Filipi

Description:  An overview of the history and theory of animation including origin of animation forms, Hollywood Studio animation, a sample of World Animation and contemporary animation.

ACCAD 5001: Animation Techniques and Practices - 3 cr.

Class #: 28175 (Undergrad)
Class #: 28176 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs;  12:30 pm - 1:50 pm
Location: Hopkins Hall, Rm 346
Instructor: Benny Zelkowicz

Description: The principles of animation as demonstrated through various animation techniques. The work produced serves as a tool for comprehending the underlying process of any animation technique.  Prereq: Graduate standing for Graduate Section.

ACCAD 5001: Animation Techniques and Practices - 3 cr.

Class #: 27636 (Undergrad)
Class #: 27308 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs;  2:00 pm - 3:20 pm
Location: Hopkins Hall, Rm 346
Instructor: Benny Zelkowicz

Description: The principles of animation as demonstrated through various animation techniques. The work produced serves as a tool for comprehending the underlying process of any animation technique. Prereq: Graduate standing for Graduate Section.

ACCAD 5002: 3D Computer Animation I - 3 cr.

Class #: 24000 (Undergrad)
Class #: 23999 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs;  11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A
Instructor: Kyoung Swearingen

Description:  Overview of 3D computer animation components and stages of production. Prereq: 5001 for students enrolled in the MIP (Moving Image Production) program; and Graduate standing for Graduate Section.

ACCAD 5003: 3D Computer Animation II - 3 cr.

Class #: 36744  (Undergrad)
Class #: 36743  (Graduate)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs;  9:20 am - 11:20 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A
Instructor: Kyoung Swearingen

Description:  Further exploration of 3D computer animation and stages of production. Prereq: 5002, or permission of instructor. Graduate standing for Graduate Section.

ACCAD 5140: Interactive Arts Media I: Web - 3 cr.

Class #: 17126 (Undergrad)
Class #: 17123  (Graduate)
Days and Times: Mon/Wed;  5:30 pm - 6:50 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A
Instructor:  Joshua McClurg-Genevese

Description:  Introduction to the theory and practice of the design of interactive media for the web. Prereq: Graduate standing for Graduate section.

ACCAD 5200: Motion Capture Production and Experimentation - 3 cr.

Class # 29178 (Undergrad)
Class # 29035 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Mondays; 9:35 am - 12:45 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A; and Motion Lab (350)
Instructor: Vita Berezina-Blackburn

Description: A hands-on experience with motion capture technologies, addressing contexts and applications. Students learn to operate within an optical motion capture pipeline for recording, real-time retargeting and post-processing of full body human motion and props, as well as developing their own approaches and processes for experimenting with capturing and remapping motion. Prereq: Graduate standing for Graduate section.  Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

ACCAD 5301: Devising Experiential Media  - 3 cr.

Undergraduate Section
Class Lecture #: 25959
Lab # 29070

Graduate Section
Class Lecture # 25958
Lab # 29071

Class lecture will be held: Tuesdays;  1:15 pm - 3:15 pm  (Dance Video Lab)
Lab will be held: Thursdays;  1:15 pm - 4:15 pm (Motion Lab)
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 350
Instructors:  Alex Oliszewski

Description: This course focuses on the creation of interactive and responsive spaces through the design of experiential media systems within the context of their underlying history, methodology, technology, and theory. Using a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, students create hybrid digital-physical experiences which investigate the application of the technology used in experiential media design. Graded. Prereq: Graduate standing for Graduate Section.

ACCAD 6002: Computer Game Art and Design I - 3 cr.

Class # 17127 (Graduate Only)
Undergraduate Section is Design 4104
Days and Times: Wed/Fri;  11:30 am - 1:20 pm
Location: Hopkins Hall, Rm 346
Instructor: Scott Swearingen

Description:  Introduction to concepts for design and prototyping of games for entertainment, learning and social good. Prereq: Sr or Grad standing, and permission of instructor.

ACCAD 7103: Designing Immersive Virtual Environments - 3 cr.

Class # 29067 (Graduate Only)
Days and Times: Wed/Fri; 8:30 am - 11:15 am
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A
Instructor: Shadrick Addy

Description: Creative and technical concepts for the development of simulations, installations, augmented reality and responsive spaces using 3D computer graphics with gesture-based and alternative input systems combined with immersive display methods. Prereq: Grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs or 3 completions.

ACCAD 7104: Procedural Animation - 3 cr.

Class # 29036 (Graduate Only)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs; 2:20 pm - 3:40 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A
Instructor: Matthew Lewis

Description: The investigation of procedural methods for modeling and animating 3D computer graphics. Prereq: Grad standing.

ACCAD 7893: Interdisciplinary Creative Research Studio - 3 cr.

Class # 17130 (Graduate only)
Days and Times:  Wednesday (only);  12:15 pm to 2:15 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, 350 (motion lab); and 332 (conference room)
Instructor: Norah Zuniga-Shaw

Description: Open to graduate students in any discipline, this studio course fosters creative interdisciplinary research thinking and practices that integrate computing and other technologies. Students bring to the course a project idea that is clearly formed or already in progress and a desire for interdisciplinary exchange. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs.

DANCE 5611: Tech Practicum - Intermedia I - 2 cr.

Days and Times: Tuesday 2:45-4:45p | Thursday 2:45-4:45p
Class # 23336 (undergrad) 
Class # 23335 (grad)

Location: Sullivant Hall, 343 (Dance Media Lab) and 350 (Motion Lab)
Instructor: Lexi Clark-Stilianos

Description: Exploration of the unique characteristics of performance that integrates movement and digital media through hands-on creative and technological projects. This course entails digital media for dance creation in Isadora, performance and process informed projection design, and integrated dance technology composition lab for art-makers, dance-makers, and world-builders. 

MUSIC 5636.01: Introduction to Electronic Music Synthesis - 3 cr.

Class # XXXXX (undergrad)
Class # XXXXX (grad)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs;  11:30 am - 12:25 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, 349-B (Sonic Arts Lab); and 332 conf room
Instructor: Marc Ainger

Description: Techniques of acousmatic composition, history, and literature.