The Class search category for ACCAD courses is Adv Computing Cntr Arts& Design <number> or ACCAD <number>
ACCAD 3350: The History of Animation - 3 cr.
ACCAD 6650: The History of Animation - 3 cr. (GRAD)
Class #: 15385 (Undergrad)
Class #: 15386 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Wed/Fri; 9:35 am - 10:55 am
Location: Wexner Center Film/Video Theater
Instructor: Dave Filipi
Description: An overview of the history and theory of animation including origin of animation forms, Hollywood Studio animation, a sample of World Animation and contemporary animation.
ACCAD 5001: Animation Techniques and Practices - 3 cr.
Class # 25431 (Undergrad)
Class #: 25148 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs; 12:30 pm - 1:50 pm
Location: Hayes Hall, Rm 330
Instructor: Benny Zelkowicz
Description: The principles of animation as demonstrated through various animation techniques. The work produced serves as a tool for comprehending the underlying process of any animation technique. Prereq: Graduate standing for Graduate Section.
ACCAD 5001: Animation Techniques and Practices - 3 cr.
Class #: 25916 (Undergrad)
Class #: 25917 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs; 2:00 pm - 3:20 pm
Location: Hayes Hall, Rm 330
Instructor: Benny Zelkowicz
Description: The principles of animation as demonstrated through various animation techniques. The work produced serves as a tool for comprehending the underlying process of any animation technique. Prereq: Graduate standing for Graduate Section.
ACCAD 5002: 3D Computer Animation I - 3 cr.
Class #: 22047 (Undergrad)
Class #: 22046 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Wed/Fri; 9:35 am - 11:35 am
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A
Instructor: Kyoung Swearingen
Description: Overview of 3D computer animation components and stages of production. Prereq: 5001 for students enrolled in the MIP (Moving Image Production) program; and Graduate standing for Graduate Section.
ACCAD 5002: 3D Computer Animation I - 3 cr.
Class # 37081 (Undergrad)
Class # 37080 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Wed/Fri; 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A
Instructor: Kyoung Swearingen
Description: Overview of 3D computer animation components and stages of production. Prereq: 5001 for students enrolled in the MIP (Moving Image Production) program; and Graduate standing for Graduate Section.
ACCAD 5003: 3D Computer Animation II - 3 cr.
Class #: 28961 (Undergrad)
Class #: 28960 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs; 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A
Instructor: TBD
Description: Further exploration of 3D computer animation and stages of production. Prereq: 5002, or permission of instructor. Graduate standing for Graduate Section.
ACCAD 5140: Interactive Arts Media I: Web - 3 cr.
Class # 15387 (Undergrad) )
Class # 15384 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs 5:30 pm - 6:50 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A
Instructor: Joshua McClurg-Genevese
Description: Introduction to the theory and practice of the design of interactive media for the web. Prereq: Graduate standing for Graduate section.
ACCAD 5200: Motion Capture Production and Experimentation - 3 cr.
Class # 26793 (Undergrad)
Class # 26674 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Mondays; - 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A; and Motion Lab (350)
Instructor: Vita Berezina-Blackburn
Description: A hands-on experience with motion capture technologies, addressing contexts and applications. Students learn to operate within an optical motion capture pipeline for recording, real-time retargeting and post-processing of full body human motion and props, as well as developing their own approaches and processes for experimenting with capturing and remapping motion. Prereq: Graduate standing for Graduate section. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.
ACCAD 5301: Devising Experiential Media - 3 cr.
Undergraduate Section
Class Lecture #: 23922
Lab # 26704
Graduate Section
Class Lecture # 23921
Lab # 26705
Class lecture will be held: Tuesdays; 1:15 pm - 3:15 pm (343 Sullivant; Dance Video Lab)
Lab will be held: Thursdays; 1:15 pm - 4:15 pm (Motion Lab)
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 350
Instructors: Alex Oliszewski
Description: This course focuses on the creation of interactive and responsive spaces through the design of experiential media systems within the context of their underlying history, methodology, technology, and theory. Using a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, students create hybrid digital-physical experiences which investigate the application of the technology used in experiential media design. Graded. Prereq: Graduate standing for Graduate Section.
ACCAD 5500: Integrated Tech Lab - Creative Generative AI - 3 cr.
Class # 15390 (Undergrad)
Class # 15389 (Graduate)
Days and Times: Mon/Wed; 4:20 pm - 6:40 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A
Instructor: Chris Coleman
Description: This course is focused on designing and creating projects using generative AI tools. This will include generating text, audio, image and video outputs, as well as leveraging all of those mediums and more as inputs. Prereq: Graduate standing for Graduate section. Instructor permission required.
ACCAD 6002: Computer Game Art and Design I - 3 cr.
Class # 15388 (Graduate Only)
Undergraduate Section is Design 4104
Days and Times: Wed/Fri; 11:30 am - 1:20 pm
Location: Hopkins Hall, Rm 346
Instructor: Scott Swearingen
Description: Introduction to concepts for design and prototyping of games for entertainment, learning and social good. Prereq: Sr or Grad standing, and permission of instructor.
ACCAD 7103: Designing Immersive Virtual Environments - 3 cr.
Class # 26701 (Graduate Only)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs 9:35 am - 12:15 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A
Instructor: Shadrick Addy
Description: Creative and technical concepts for the development of simulations, installations, augmented reality and responsive spaces using 3D computer graphics with gesture-based and alternative input systems combined with immersive display methods. Prereq: Grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs or 3 completions.
ACCAD 7893: Interdisciplinary Creative Research Studio - 3 cr.
Class # 160237 (Graduate only)
Term1 = 08/26/25 to 10/13/25
Days and Times: Wednesday (only); 12:15 pm to 2:15 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, 350 (motion lab); and 332 (conference room)
Instructor: Norah Zuniga-Shaw
Description: Open to graduate students in any discipline, this studio course fosters creative interdisciplinary research thinking and practices that integrate computing and other technologies. Students bring to the course a project idea that is clearly formed or already in progress and a desire for interdisciplinary exchange. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs.
DANCE 5213: Intermedia Performance - 3 cr.
Days and Times:
Class: Wednesday 3:00-5:30 pm
Lab: Wednesday 6-8 pm or Friday 3:00-5:00 pm
Class # 27331 or 27334 (undergrad)
Class # 27332 or 27333 (grad)
Location: Sullivant Hall, 350 (Motion Lab)
Instructor: Lexi Clark-Stilianos
Description: Intermedia Performance is a composition course that explores the unique characteristics of performance that integrates movement and digital media through hands-on creative and technological projects. We will investigate what happens when we layer digital media and embodied performance, how to use interdisciplinary tools to world-build compelling dance/art-works, and work with structures such as performance, improvisation, and play. Familiarity with the program Isadora and/or other media authoring (lighting, video, sound, etc.) is helpful but not required. This course is based in dance movement practices and is open to artists from other disciplines who have an interest in motion, choreographic structures, and/or body-based art making.