The Class search category for ACCAD courses is Adv Computing Cntr Arts& Design <number> or ACCAD <number>
ACCAD 5001: Animation Techniques and Practices - 3 cr.
Class #: 28590 (Undergrad)
Class #: 28589 (Grad)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs; 12:30 pm - 1:50 pm
Location: Hopkins Hall, 346
Instructor: Benny Zelkowicz
Description: The course introduces the principles of animation as fundamental knowledge in animation filmmaking. Students will learn how to apply these concepts in the creation of their own short animations. The course will provide a practical understanding of various animation techniques while exploring a variety of tools ranging from the traditional to contemporary.
ACCAD 5001: Animation Techniques and Practices - 3 cr.
Class #: 29366 (Undergrad)
Class #: 29365 (Grad)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs; 2:00 pm - 3:20 pm
Location: Hopkins Hall, 346
Instructor: Benny Zelkowicz
Description: The course introduces the principles of animation as fundamental knowledge in animation filmmaking. Students will learn how to apply these concepts in the creation of their own short animations. The course will provide a practical understanding of various animation techniques while exploring a variety of tools ranging from the traditional to contemporary.
ACCAD 5002: 3D Computer Animation: Form, Light and Motion I - 3 cr.
Class #: 20674 (Undergrad)
Class #: 20673 (Grad)
Days and Times: Mon/Wed 4:00p - 6:00 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A
Instructor: Nikki Lemon
Description: Overview of 3D computer animation components and stages of production. Prereq: 5001 for students enrolled in the MIP (Moving Image Production) program; and Graduate standing for Graduate Section.
ACCAD 5100: Concept Development - 3 cr.
Class #: xxxxx (Undergrad)
Class #: xxxxx (Graduate)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs; 9:35 am - 10:55 am
Location: Hopkins Hall, Rm 364
Instructor: Benny Zelkowicz
Description: Methods for developing concepts for time-based media through the cultivation of ideas and problem-solving strategies. Storyboarding, composition, editing and sound principles will be explored.
ACCAD 5102: Programming Concepts and Applications for Artists & Designers - 3 cr.
Class #: 27449 (Undergrad)
Class #: 27448 (Grad)
Days and Times: Tues/Thurs; 1:00 pm - 2:20 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 349-A
Instructor: Matthew Lewis
Description: Fundamental programming concepts useful to artists and designers for creating algorithmic -based graphics and graphics tools . Pre-requisites: Instructor permission required for undergraduate section.
ACCAD 5141: Interactive Arts Media II: UI/UX - 3 cr.
Class #: 20661 (Undergrad)
Class #: 20660 (Grad)
Days and Times: Mon/Wed; 2:20 pm - 3:30 pm
Location: Hopkins Hall, Rm 246
Instructor: Jeremy Patterson
Description: In this course students will learn the processes of concept development for an interactive mobile application. Students will gain exposure to the methods involved in designing and crafting a user interface that is both usable in a utilitarian sense but also provides a cohesive, subjectively satisfying experience that in turn motivates the user to repeatedly utilize the application.
ACCAD 5150: Emerging Trends in Data Visualization - 3 cr.
Class #: 29426 (Undergrad)
Class #: 29425 (Grad)
Days and Times: Wed. 4:00 pm - 5:20 pm (Distance Learning)
Location: Online only
Instructor: Kio (Qihao) Zhu
Description: This course enables students to explore new and emerging visualization approaches, topics and trends in visualization research and their applications. Students will research, write about, create, and experience visualization trends.
ACCAD 5194.01: Animation Group Study (Advanced) - 3 cr.
Class #: 36026 (Undergrad)
Class #: 36025 (Grad)
Days and Times: Wed/Fri: 12:00 pm -2:00 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, 349-A
Instructor: Kyoung Swearingen
Description: Group study on various topics related to digital animation and interactive media. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs or 5 completions; Graded.. Pre-requisite: Instructor permission required.
ACCAD 5301: Devising Experiential Media - 3 cr.
Undergraduate Section
Lecture #: 29391
Lab #: 29392
Graduate Section
Lecture #: 29368
Lab #: 29369
Class/Lecture will be held: Tuesdays; 1:15 pm - 3:15 pm (small classroom, Rm 347-AB)
Lab will be held: Thursdays; 1:15 pm - 4:15 pm (Motion Lab)
Location: Sullivant Hall, Rm 350 (Motion Lab primarily)
Instructors: Alex Oliszewski
Description: This course focuses on the creation of interactive and responsive spaces through the design of experiential media systems within the context of their underlying history, methodology, technology, and theory. Using a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, students create hybrid digital-physical experiences which investigate the application of the technology used in experiential media design. Graded. Prereq: Graduate standing for Graduate Section.
ACCAD 5500: Integrated Tech Lab - 2 cr.
Class #: 30821 (Undergrad) - 2 credit hour
Class #: 30729 (Grad) - 2 credit hour
Days and Times: Wednesday, 10:55a - 12:30p
Location: Sullivant Hall, 347-AB (small classroom) / 349-B, Sonic Arts Lab
Instructor: Jean-Yves Munch
Description: the topic for this course will be, "Introduction to Spatial Audio Production".
In this studio lab course students will:
- Get hands-on experience with field audio recording: SFX capture and ambisonic recording
- Learn how to use a portable field recorder
- Learn microphone technology and characteristics, validate this knowledge thru critical listening
- Acquire basic DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) principles
- Learn the essentials of immersive audio applied to games, music, moving images and installations
- Get support with the audio dimension of their project
At the end of the semester, students should have learned the basics of today’s audio techniques to be integrated in their own projects. This course is graded S/U.
ACCAD 6002: Computer Game Art I - 3 cr
Class #: 30393 (Grad only)
Days and Times: Wed/Fri; 10:00 am - 11:50 am
Location: Hopkins Hall, 346
Instructor: Scott Swearingen
Description: Introduction to concepts for design and prototyping of games for entertainment, learning and social good. Prereq: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.
NOTE: this course is combined with Design 4104: Intermediate Game Design I, for undergraduates.
ACCAD 6003: Computer Game Art II - 3 cr
Class #: 20662 (Grad only)
Days and Times: Wed/Fri; 12:15 pm - 2:05 pm
Location: Hopkins Hall, 346
Instructor: Scott Swearingen
Description: Advanced topics for design and production of both fun and serious games including networked multi-player and mobile devices. Prereq: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.
NOTE: this course is combined with Design 4154: Intermediate Game Design II, for undergraduates.
ACCAD 7893: Interdisciplinary Creative Research Studio - 3 cr.
Class # 20662 (Grad only)
Days and Times: Wednesday (only); 12:15 pm to 2:15 pm
Location: Sullivant Hall, 350 (motion lab); and 332 (conference room)
Instructor: Norah Zuniga-Shaw
Description: Open to graduate students in any discipline, this studio course fosters creative interdisciplinary research thinking and practices that integrate computing and other technologies. Students bring to the course a project idea that is clearly formed or already in progress and a desire for interdisciplinary exchange. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs.
MUSIC 5636.02: Electronic Music Synthesis - 3 cr.
Class # 25880 (undergrad)
Class # 28579 (grad)
Days and Times: T,Th 12:40-1:35
Location: TBA
Instructor: Marc Ainger
Description: Principles of audio engineering, relationships to other communications media. Prereq: 5636.01, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 636.