

ACCAD Hosts Renowned Artists Miller Puckette, Kerry Hagan, and Irwin for Concerts and Lectures

Miller Puckette, Kerry Hagan, and Irwin presented concerts and lectures at ACCAD for 3 days, February 23-25.

Miller Puckette, recipient of the 2023 Silver Lion at La Biennale di Venezia, is…

TouchDesigner Workshop

ACCAD welcomed instructors Matt Ragan and Zoe Sandoval of SudoMagic. Matt and Zoe offered a 3-day hands-on workshop to teach TouchDesigner software. Attendees were introduced to the software and…

"The Sacred Society" Premiere at the Wexner Center for the Arts

Join us for the premiere of "The Sacred Society", an animated short film by Benny Zelkowicz! Benny is an ACCAD Lecturer and a core instructor for the animation track of the Moving Image Production…

Charles Csuri Memorial Exhibition Video Released

Remote video URL


Charles Csuri was a pioneering artist, researcher, and professor at The Ohio State University, revolutionizing…

Jeremy presenting Provost the ACCAD word

ACCAD Welcomes New OSU Provost

ACCAD was pleased to welcome Ohio State’s new Executive Vice President and Provost, Ravi V. Bellamkonda to our labs in Sullivant Hall. Accompanied by the College of Arts and Sciences Dean Horn,…

Congratulations to Associate Professor Alex Oliszewski for 2nd Edition Release

ACCAD is delighted to announce publication of the 2nd edition of Digital Media Projection Design & Technology for Theatre by Associate Professor Alex Oliszewski and his co-authors, Daniel Fine…

ACCAD Commissions New Immersive Audio Speaker System in Motion Lab

ACCAD’s new 25-speaker immersive audio system was officially commissioned on January 13, 2025. This marks a significant leap forward in spatial audio capabilities at the center. Powered by Spat…

Thomas Linehan

In Memory of Dr. Thomas E. Linehan

The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design (ACCAD) mourns the passing of Dr. Thomas E. Linehan, a cherished alumnus of The Ohio State University and an integral figure in ACCAD's early…

Maya Jenkins picture

Alumna: Maya Jenkins

Current Position / Employer: Senior UX Designer, Research Information Technology Department, The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Degree with Department Affiliation and…