Garden of Memories
Garden of Memories is a short animated film based on recordings of the filmmaker's grandmother childhood stories. Using animation techniques such as rotoscoping, cutouts, stopmotion and 3D computer animation the filmmaker re-imagines her Grandmother's life as a young girl while using the process of filmmaking to discover her own past.
Project Team
Creative Direction
Jane Claire Drozd - Creator
Amy Eisenmann - Music
Maria Palazzi - Design (ACCAD)
Alan Price - Design (ACCAD)
Susan Melsop - Design
"Created in fulfillment of an MFA Thesis at the Ohio State University. Garden of Memories is a short animated film based on recordings of my Grandmother’s childhood stories told through the flowers she remembers. Using animation techniques such as rotoscoping, cutouts, stopmotion and 3D computer animation to re-imagine my Grandmother’s life as a young girl while using filmmaking to discover my own past." - Jane Drozd
Completed in 2011.