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an MFA project that uses intermedia technology established choreographic and embodied practice as research methodologies to share childhood and military sexual trauma and the process of restoration (viewer discretion is advised)

Project Description

Jazelynn Goudy’s thesis performance, "LackLuster," was autoethnographic/embodied movement research on childhood and military sexual trauma and the process of restoration. It incorporated interactive digital media and community participation through song and dance.

“We claim Black Moves as we claim Black Lives: urgent, meaning-filled, seemingly impossible; conflicted and sanctified; queer, immigrant, and embodied processes of engaged intellect.” -Thomas DeFrantz & Tara Aisha Willis.

Jazelynn spoke about the work and it’s sources, inspirations, and process: “From Milwaukee to Columbus and the many points between, my body has experienced the life of a woman in the Afro-Diaspora. My body has many movements, emotions, and techniques that create beautiful visuals only I can see currently in my head. My goal is to bring these visions into fruition with a 20 min solo performance exploring the emotional, physical, and life encounters and restoration of trauma in work entitled “LackLuster.” This performance will move through three sections: 1. Milwaukee Upbringing (sexual trauma, identity, political body, religion); 2. Military (trauma, athleticism, regimen); 3. Restoration. Through established choreographic and embodied practice as research methodologies, this work will allow me to not only investigate who I am as dancer and maker but also how to connect this and express it integrating writing, movement, voice, and technology. This work will add to the scholarship of Blackness and being, women, gender, sexuality, and dance studies. Its significance centers a marginalized voice in space, place, and time. In the words of Tarana Burke, #MeToo movement founder, “If we don’t center the voices of marginalized people, we’re doing the wrong work.” As a member of the marginalized, it is my hope to continue doing this work and more.”

Project team

Graduate Researcher – MFA Thesis Project:

Jazelynn Goudy, Choreographer and Performer


Contributor: Claire Melbourne, Alex Christmas, Davianna Griffin, Laura Rodriguez

Oded Huberman, Production Manager

Faculty Advisors:

Norah Zuniga-Shaw, committee chair

Crystal Michelle Perkins, committee member

Grants & Funding Initiatives that supported this project:

Alumni Grants for Graduate Research and Scholarship