The Virtual Nanofactory is a 3D interactive visualization of research and applications at the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center and the Center for Affordable Nanoengineering of Polymeric Biomedical Devices.

Art Direction and Programming: Alan Price, Department of Design
Project Management, Nano Interpreter: Brian Windsor, ACCAD
Database Programming: Michael Boem, Nanotechnology
Project Leads from Nanotechnology Center: David Tomasko, Burr Zimmerman, Nanotechnology
Graduate Students - Modeling, Animation and Programming:
Matthew Bain, Department of Design
Danny Guinn, Department of Design

Project Description
The Virtual Nanofactory is a 3D interactive visualization of research and applications at the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center and the Center for Affordable Nanoengineering of Polymeric Biomedical Devices.
The navigable network model of the Virtual Nanofactory represents the conceptual structure and interconnectivity between the numerous TestBeds, Core Technologies, Projects and Researchers.
The Virtual Nanofacotory accesses a live database for the most current status of research at the NSEC, dynamically constructing itself based on NSEC activities.
Completed in June 2007.